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sierra 03.06.2011 16:30

I took a ride with a sadist on a Saturday night
His teeth were like diamonds in the dashboard light
He knew a place nearby; we took a right at the light
And I smiled because I'd never ever been there

He said "When I was your age I was a millionaire.
Those were the days of Woodstock — I was there.
It's such a drag about the forest; such a shame about the air
But when I was your age I was a millionaire."

Don't you love this kind of lazy kind of night
Don't you love it with a stranger when time is tight
Don't you love a little struggle, don't you love a little fight
Don't you feel like the devil in the blue moonlight
On a lazy kind of night

The seats of his car were like a woman's skin
Made me think about all those places I've been
It made me understand murder and the nature of sin
I leaned back and I listened to his music

He said, "Things would go better if you'd be my friend.
You don't have to like all the means to your end.
I don't want to boast; I don't mean to offend
But things would go better if you'd be my friend."

Don't you love this kind of lazy kind of night
Don't you love it with a stranger when time is tight
Don't you love a little struggle, don't you love a little fight
Don't you feel like the devil under blue moonlight
On a lazy kind of night

There's a secret silken world of sex and submission
Of vodka and handcuffs and acts of contrition
Your enemies succumb and the ladies all listen
To the tales of your woes and your secret ambitions
And your hopes and your dreams and your pain and your perdition
In your secret silken world of sex and submission

She said, "I've never liked boys, I much prefer men."
She must have liked the way it sounded 'cause she said it again

She looked more like a plate then a scared little girl
Her pupils were pinpoints as he fingered her pearls
It was crossing my mind to maybe give it a whirl
Until I noticed her fingers were trembling

She said, "I've never liked boys, I much prefer men."
She must have liked the way it sounded 'cause she said it again
The car headed north up Beverly Glen
I was taken by surprise with nausea

Don't you love this kind of lazy kind of night
Don't you love to hurt the weak when they refuse to fight
When there's no need to be judgemental; no need to be polite
All you need to know is that might equals right
On a lazy kind of night

I see my own reflection
There's no escape
Do you think it's wrong?
Do you think it's wrong to love your own reflection?
All those hungry people
It's such a drag
Let's get something to eat

On a lazy kind of night
On a lazy kind of night
A lazy kind of night
Don't you love to hurt the weak
On a lazy kind of night

Der Text stammt von David Baerwald und ist "A Secret Silken World". Das Lied stammt von seinem zweiten Album Triage aus dem Jahr 1992.
Es fiel mir zu diesem Foto ein.

Das zu suchende Auto ist etwas älter. Eigentlich nicht schwer zu finden.

shmoover 05.06.2011 16:26

...ich hörte den Song und befand ihn für gut, obwohl er für meine Autoaudiothek gewiss 160 bpm zuwenig hat...

...ich suchte nach alten UK-Fords und auch die historic Holden ab...

Ich brauche Hilfe!:-/

sierra 05.06.2011 16:35


Zitat von shmoover (Beitrag 14628)
...ich suchte nach alten UK-Fords und auch die historic Holden ab...

Nimm von beiden etwas: UK ist richtig, GM ist richtig. So eingekreist steht die Marke fest*, an das Baujahr kommt man recht genau ...

Den Rest kriegst Du auch noch hin!

*Manche Jungs werten ihre Corsas mit dem Emblem dieser Marke immens auf.

Zweeny 05.06.2011 16:45

Vauxhall Victor wäre mein Tipp

sierra 05.06.2011 17:23


Damit hat Zweeny seinen Urlaub beendet.

Zweeny 05.06.2011 17:39

i ́ll be back
Was bist Du für ein hübscher gelber Bursche?

shmoover 05.06.2011 18:17

...wenn man um 17:15 pitschnass vom Radfahren kommt und dann noch Zweeny den Tip verbraten hat, muss man erst unter die heiße Dusche und dann das gelbe Ekelpaket aufschnüren...:D

Später also...harr, harr...;)

PS: willkommen zurück, Meister des Bigfoot Yeti!

sierra 05.06.2011 20:04


Zitat von shmoover (Beitrag 14633)
... das gelbe Ekelpaket ...

Ist es getunt (Welch bescheuertes Wort, geschrieben jedenfalls!) oder kauft man es mit diesen Kotflügeln?

shmoover 05.06.2011 20:11

...lasst sein, der Bär hat ihn...
...den Proton Neo Satria (auch möglich: Satria Neo) kauft man -so man Malaie ist oder Indonesier- eher ziviler.

Aber wenn man lange genug unter der genialen Eingabe "rally custom" plus Farbfilter gelb schaut, dann findet man ihn in der gezeigten Kriegsbemalung.

Harr, harr (wie ich schon harrharrte) !

Zweeny 05.06.2011 20:27

Shmoover hat
offensichtlich nichts verlernt:top:
Der ist es. Der sieht eigentlich ganz rassig aus.

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